Wednesday, November 4, 2009

18 months

Where do I start. No one can prepare you for this age. KYLIE sweet smart wonderful beautiful daddy's and mama's girl. Her favorite thing to do right now is sing and dance to Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Hokey Pokey, and If your happy and you know it. She still loves her paci we are gonna TRY and take it around 2. She loves stuffed animals, her blanket, and deer. We are getting pictures done Monday we are so excited so look for them soon. We are thinking about Christmas presents so if anyone knows some good ideas we would love to her from ya.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post! Very cute

    A man named Finite awoke and found himself in a sinkhole full of quick sand. He was sinking very slowly and knew that he would meet certain death.

    A man came along who had holes in his hands. The man threw Finite a rope and told him to grab it and he would pull him to safety.

    Finite looked at the holes in the man’s hands and said, “Your not real.” “It is not scientifically possible for a man to live who has holes in his hands.

    The man with the holes in his hands looked at the guy a little puzzled and said, “You are in a sinkhole and about to die. Your response to my help is to say I’m not real?”

    Finite said, “Well, I like how warm the sand is and I really don’t want to get out. Second, I know I am having an illusion because it is not possible for a man to have holes in his hands and still help me out.” Therefore, morally I like my plight and scientifically, you don’t exist being a mere projection of my mind.

    The man with the holes in his hands said, “Listen, I was sent here by my father to help people out so please let me help you! I will take you to my father’s mansion where you can enjoy life for eternity. Obviously, death was not able to hold me in the grave because the holes in my hands are proof that I overcame death. I now have the power to save you so grab the rope!”

    Finite put his fingers in the ears and said, “Now I know I am hearing things because there is no such thing as eternal life…Everyone dies so I am going to take my turn and just enjoy this warm sand until the end.”

    The man with the holes in his hand said, “If you won’t grab the rope, then I won’t be able to help you…please, please take the rope and I can pull you out. Have faith my friend.”

    A few moments later Finite sunk into the quick sand and out of sight. Finite was surprised that he did not die as expected. He just sat there surrounded by sand, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to talk with his fingers in his ears. Finite tried to comfort himself by thinking, “I would rather stay here for eternity than believe that the man with the holes in His hand could help me. Faith in that mirage is irrational!!

    So Finite sat in the quicksand for eternity. Day in and day out for eternity Finite was always thinking about the man with the holes in his hands. He would comfort himself thinking, “It was better to not have faith than to believe something that didn’t make sense.”

    The man with the holes in His hands continued to call him for the rest of eternity; however, Finite could not hear his voice because he had plugged his ears.
